
I’m Travis Tyler. I live in Austin, TX and attended university here. I have many passions, but the strongest will always be stories. I live for them, the ones I experience first-hand and the ones I hear through various mediums and the ones I create. And like many people who have the same love of writing and storytelling, I have struggled with the how. How do I get my stories out there? How will I find out who my audience is?

Writing’s always been a simple hobby like running or biking, just a creative outlet and way for me to feel accomplished. “Hey look at me I wrote a novel! Aren’t I special?! Look at this clever turn of phrase!” And for years that was enough, but that’s changed now.

I will periodically post my writings, both standalone micro-stories and snippets of larger works, in the hopes of entertaining you, attracting attention, and getting invaluable feedback (both constructive and disheartening). If you read something you like (or something you hate) feel free to comment or contact me, I’ll welcome any productive discussion.

I look forward to writing for you. I hope you enjoy.



Contact email: travis.austin.tyler@gmail.com

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